Mustang Rehabilitation Colorado
Your search for “Mustang rehabilitation Colorado” shows you have a heart for horses. We do too, especially Mustangs. We are so glad you’ve found us! The story of the American Mustangs is an increasingly sad one. Mustangs are massively over-populated on the range, and adoption programs have faltered in placing sufficient numbers in the private sector. This is simply because of the astounding number of horses needing homes. At Wild Rose Mustang Advocacy Group (Wild Rose MAGIC) we are changing the story of American Mustangs. Our non-profit organization is run by a team of experienced volunteers with an unbridled passion for Mustangs. Our mission is to foster, train and rehome American Mustangs to showcase their innate talents and versatility.
What are our practices for Mustang Rehabilitation?
Many of our Mustangs arrive to us having never been handled and understandably, afraid. Using natural horsemanship techniques, we show them that humans can be trusted, that they can look to humans to calm their fears, and a partnership develops.
We start with basic haltering, picking up feet, and trailering and progress to groundwork, under saddle training, and showing. This process can be as short as 2-4 months or up to a year depending on the needs of each individual horse. Once they have 2-4 months of under saddle training, they are offered for adoption.
Our head trainer, Cayla Stone, has trained over 50 Mustangs in the past 10 years using natural horsemanship techniques. We aim to provide the necessary under saddle training that Mustangs need to be more easily adopted.
Your search has led you to the best result for “Mustang rehabilitation Colorado”.
Whether you are searching for “Mustang rehabilitation Colorado” or “Mustang rescue Colorado”, WRMAGIC is a leader in Mustang rescue and rehabilitation. We would love for you to be a part of our mission. There are a few ways you can get involved. 1. Make a donation big or small, 2. Sponsor a Mustang through its training, 3. Volunteer your time, 4. Donate an item on our wishlist, 5. Adopt a mustang. Take a look at our Mustangs available for adoption and learn more about our Mustangs in training. If you have questions, feel free to contact us. We would be happy to get you plugged into whatever area is the best fit for you.
Read about some of our happy adoption experiences:
“When I started riding at age 30, I felt like a real latecomer to the horse world. I never thought that 2.5 years later I would have a horse of my own, much less a Mustang! Because Bravo had almost a year of training when I started riding him, adopting a Mustang wasn’t such a daunting task. I am exactly the kind of rider who benefits from the kind of work that Wild Rose is doing – without the solid base training he received, I never would have taken the plunge! We continue to learn a lot from each other and make a great pair. Owning Bravo has been a challenging and character-building experience, but also one of the most positive and rewarding life decisions I have ever made.” -Andi and Bravo
“Snickers was a 2013 West Douglas Colorado Mustang that I adopted in 2016. I spent time building trust and a relationship with him, and it was beyond worth it. He is the most incredible companion and partner with such a goofy, fun attitude. He has shown me how amazing these mustangs can be, and I wouldn’t trade him for the world! Love this boy to pieces! I can’t wait for our future adventures.” -Maddie and Snickers
You can read more of our many adoption success stories. We are your top Mustang horse rescue farm in Colorado and we have the experience and stories to back it up. We hope to hear from you and how you wish to get involved soon! Give us a call at 970-232-5917.
Wild Rose Mustang Advocacy Group is located in Wellington, CO. Our Non-Profit aims to help change the story of American Mustangs in the West by providing professional saddle training and increasing the adoption of these beautiful horses. If you are interested in a Mustang adoption, check out our adoption policy here and fill out an application if you would like to continue the process. You might also be interested in Wild Horse Advocacy Colorado.