Help us change the story of American Mustangs in the West by providing professional training and increasing adoptions of these amazing horses.

Can you imagine a world where there is a widespread demand for Mustangs, where they are known for their innate talents, not just the burden they place on our public lands and tax dollars?

We believe in ensuring that every adoptable Mustang off of the range receives excellent healthcare and individualized training to find a forever home.

Many of our Mustangs arrive to us having never been handled and understandably, afraid. Using natural horsemanship techniques, we show them that humans can be trusted, that they can look to humans to calm their fears, and a partnership develops. Read more about our model and mission.

Get to know Wild Rose here:
For Donors
For adopters
For Volunteers


Mustangs in training

Horses adopted

sally and diamond Wild Rose Magic Mustang - Mustang Adoption Colorado

“Diamond is gentle and has a heart of gold, and has taught me more about horsemanship than any other horse I have owned. He is the constant in my life I never knew I needed!”

Sally & Diamond
Cello Wild Rose Magic Mustang

“Cayla did a fantastic job with my mustang. (She) was kind, patient, and wonderful with Cello. I couldn’t believe it when she sent me jumping pictures! At the end of our month of training we rode in a terrain clinic at Vicki Bakers. When we returned home, my horse was happier than he’s ever been. The calmer, happier vibe with my horse means the world.”

Dani & Cello
Olivia and Leda Wild Rose Magic Mustang

“I do not think I am capable of fully articulating how completely enamored I am with my mustang.  I bought her in October 2017 when she had been under saddle for only a few months, and by the following summer, we were competing in recognized events.”

Olivia & Leda

“Upon meeting Cayla and Amora, I fell instantly in love with the way she was trained, the trust she had and the personality shinning through. My decision to adopt a mustang, will forever be my favorite in this life. I am so excited to see where our partnership takes us, what our future holds and the many memories and adventures to come!”

Alyssa & Amora
Labello Wild Rose Magic Mustang

“When I first got LaBello, I never imagined that my journey with her would be this amazing. When we first got her at the age of one, she was as wild as wild could be. Getting LaBello trained by Cayla was amazing. She learned very quickly and most importantly she was trained the right way.”

Bailey & LaBello
For Donors

“The Mustang is a horse for the every day rider; smart, athletic, hardy and trustworthy. But, they also have the heart to be a successful competitive partner, and the more people become aware of this, the more adoptable they will become.”

Cayla Stone
Mustang trainer for Wild Rose MAGIC

“Percy was born in the BLM and stayed there for over 7 years! This last year and a half he has shown the adaptability of a mustang from training to trail rides and he has done an amazing job.  Major shout out to Cayla Stone for getting him started and helping me so much on my journey with him.”

Ella & Percy
Andi and Bravo Wild Rose Magic Mustang

Because Bravo had almost a year of training when I started riding him, adopting a Mustang wasn’t such a daunting task. I am exactly the kind of rider who benefits from the kind of work that Wild Rose is doing – without the solid base training he received, I never would have taken the plunge!

Andi & Bravo
louise and sedona - blog

“It’s been wonderful working with Cayla over the past year and a half getting our, now 4 and a half year old, mustang, Sedona, polished for my 12 year old daughter, and, equally important, her skills ready for him. Their partnership is developing beautifully and showing every sign of being lifelong. Cayla’s skills with mustangs are unparalleled, and passion infectious.”

Louise, Alexandra & Sedona
Maddie and Snickers Wild Rose Magic Mustang

“Snickers was a 2013 West Douglas Colorado Mustang that I adopted in 2016. I spent time to build trust and a relationship with him, and it was beyond worth it. He is the most incredible companion and partner with such a goofy, fun attitude. He has shown me how amazing these mustangs can be, and I wouldn’t trade him for the world!”

Maddie & Snickers
Beatrice Wild Rose Magic Mustang

“After I began training with Cayla in 2016 as a 22-year-old, I knew it was only a matter of time before I adopted one of her amazing mustangs. I learned from Cayla that Freya had been challenging to start, and was slow to approve of humans. But with Cayla’s careful training, Freya came around and showed the world and myself just how amazing she was and how much she loved to jump.”

Beatrice & Freya
Buy Wild Rose Merchandise to Support the Cause!

You can still buy merchandise from our 12 mustang study! (Designed by our very own, Olivia Gaweda)

All proceeds from the sale of these beautifully designed t-shirts will go directly towards the care of our mustangs in training.