Youth Trainers In Action!
Learn how youth from Northern Colorado get in on the training Action!
One of our commitments to the community is to provide education opportunities. Through our
youth programming, we are working one-on-one with the next generation of horse trainers. This
is a unique program where best practices in natural horsemanship are taught. The
transformation for both the horse and the trainer is remarkable. Each horse learns to trust
people and each trainer gains confidence in their skills and within themselves.
In 2020, Wild Rose sponsored two youth trainers to participate in the Mustang Heritage
Foundation Trainer Incentive Program; Leslie Townsend and her horse Winslow; Paige Tibbetts and her horse Payson participated virtually and won first and second place awards!
Both Winslow and Payson were adopted to new homes!
In 2021, Wild Rose sponsored 4 youth and their horses: Ellie Bruckert and Khonsu, Leslie
Townsend and Annie, Paige Tibbets and Raleigh, and Riley Kenline and Dynamo. Paige and her
horse finished in first place for the competition! Riley adopted Dynamo and the other three horses were adopted into their new homes.
In 2022, we had four youth training two mustangs for the Meeker Mustang Makeover
Competition. Ellie Bruckert and Lynne Townsend trained Willow and Leslie Townsend
and Kamyah Morrisette trained Juneau. Willow was adopted at the event and Juneau was later adopted by previous Wild Rose adoptees and is now happily riding on the trails with her family .
2024 was our biggest youth program yet, with 7 yearlings paired with 12 youth trainers: Warrick and trainer Delaney Paluszcyk; Shoshoni and trainers Cleary Berlin & Anjali Kiah; Dale and trainers Addie Parker & Hudson Parker; Chip and trainers Cora Parker & Hudson Parker; Denali and trainers Ellie Bruckert & Dagny Brault; Lyra and trainers Elsa Feucht; Coral Rose & Josie Bruckert; Byrdie and her trainer Tessa Harrington. The youth trainer showcase was held on August 25th, 2024, at CSU’s BW Pickett arena where the youth were able to show off their yearlings in a great venue. Many of the yearlings have already been adopted and the other few are continuing their training with plans for them to be adopted very soon and find their forever homes.
2024 Youth Trainer Challenge
In 2024, we had 12 youth trainers who spent the summer gentling their yearlings and learning a lot about youth empowerment, mustang preservation and education and mentorship related to the Mustang! Here they are at the final showcase held at CSU’s BW Pickett Arena. We partnered with Great Escape Mustang Collaborative on this amazing event.
The 2025 program will start in May, so please stay tuned for updates on next year’s challenge!
2022 Meeker Mustang Makeover Youth Tip Challenge
In 2022, we had 4 youth trainers attend the Meeker Mustang Makeover! The Youth Trainers spent the summer working with the Wild Rose Trainers and their two young Mustangs, learning a ton while preparing their horses for a successful domestic life! The competition was a blast and all 4 trainers represented Wild Rose wonderfully!
2021 Wild Horse & Burro Festival
In 2021, Wild Rose sponsored 4 youth and their horses: Ellie Bruckert and Khonsu, Leslie
Townsend and Annie, Paige Tibbets and Raleigh, and Riley Kenline and Dynamo. Paige and her horse finished in first place for the competition! Riley adopted Dynamo and the other three horses were adopted into their new homes. The amazing youth event was held in the idyllic setting up in Estes Park, Colorado at a beautiful venue.
2020 Meeker Mustang Makeover Youth Tip Challenge
With the help of Taft Hill Acres, Wild Rose sponsored THREE horses in the 2020 Colorado TIP challenge. All three horses were from Nevada and were set to compete in the challenge at the Great Escape Mustang Sanctuary in September. Winslow and Payson were yearlings being trained by YOUTH TRAINERS! This was our first year being able to support youth in our community and we are ecstatic to be able to help these trainers learn and grow in their experience with Mustangs! We are happy to say all 3 mustangs found their forever homes after the competition.